
In the year of 2377 the god of silver screen passes away in his sleep, at only twenty nine. In a world trillions of eons away, Ruha wakes up in a body that is uncannily like his own. In this life of unimaginable wonders, in this world that is more infinite than ever, on the innumerable paths and choices that are unshackled as he had never dared to hope for – Ruha is alive once more, stepping forward to that summit where only legends can stand.

But within these wonders seems to lark dark tendrils of conspiracies that are tied to Ruha himself, to an identity hidden from his own memories. As the lights brighten over him once more, the shadows stretches out ever longer, and the young god awakens yet again, standing in his true mythos.

And there is that man. The one who is the axis around which Ruha is rotating. The one who speaks to his heart, merges in his soul – in a seamless entirety of chaotic harmony.

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