
This site is an archive for most of my writing pieces. It has both original fiction – short stories and longer works – and fanfiction that are simultaneously published on AO3. It is also a place for my non-fiction pieces – both the creative and academic – when I do end up completing one of those occasionally. The longer piece (and future pieces in my immidiate planning) are my attempt at trying out the narrative structure of web novels, and also in playing with tropes that are more common in Chinese, Japanese and Korean light novels and web novels – these are not themes that are often, if at all, found in the western traditionally published speculative fictions, and I wanted to try out these themes in my works.

I am also using this platform to translate some (at this point, I have started on only one, but I have a list) Chinese web novels that I enjoyed reading. Note that, I translate using MTL softwares (a combination of Google, Bing, Naver and Baidu – though Google is the default for me) and dictionaries (Yellowbridge usually). It is better to consider this heavily edited MTL than a truely authentic translation – heavily edited because even if the the MTLed text is grammatically correct (and it seldom is), I will likely change around the words, phrases, and the orders of words with the aim of it reading comfortably (comfortably from my perspective). I am a staunch believer of the idea that multiple translations of the same source material only ensures a greater degree of authenticity towards the original, and that such multiplicity in no way reduces the effort and contribution of the translator of any single edition, irrespective of whether it was a former or later edition. So if anyone wishes to translate the same material, feel free to do so without asking for permission – I only request that if possible you let me know the link of the other translation so that I can link it in my summary.

Please note that I do NOT specifically curate any content for minors. It does not mean that everything on this site will be NSFW, far from it, but it does mean, that everything and anything has as much chance of having NSFW content as is does for SFW content. I always try to maintain some sort of tagging system for all my pieces, but this site is still a work in progress, as are severals works that are being posted here – and the tagging may not be as regular or as thorough as you might require it to be, certainly not as extensive as you might be used to on AO3 – if you need a certain tag to be added to the summary of any piece, do let me know, and I will try to fit it in.

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